The American author, Sinclair Lewis, once said that "when fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." The fabric of the ribbon which ties this flag is interwoven with racism, nativism, and now, Islamophobia. Given that the happy morning chat show, "Fox & Friends," is all about patriotism and the awesomeness of a persecuted Christianity, it comes as no surprise that "Fox & Friends" is championing the upcoming "Radicalization of Muslim Americans" hearing sponsored by NY, GOP Congressional Rep. Peter King. King, who hates Muslim "terrorists" but had no problem with the Catholic IRA to which he contributed money through "Irish Northern Aid" and of which he was a vocal supporter. In his desire to scapegoat American Muslims (in the manner that his Irish ancestors were when they came to NY), King, who says there are too many mosques in America, channels Joe McCarthy who scapegoated hardworking Americans in his desire to root out a non-existent red menace. Like McCarthy, King is a Catholic who promotes conservative Catholic causes and is embraced by the conservative Catholic hierarchy. He also has a friend in Fox News which, in the past, has given him a platform for his Islamophobic remarks such as his 2004 comment, on the Hannity show, that American Muslims aren't cooperating with law enforcement. Flash forward to 2011 and a GOP controlled House where King will be conducting his hearing on the same meme. It's fitting that his name is King as he's getting the royal treatment - as opposed to Yesterday's MSNBC interview where Pullitzer Prize winning Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson was able to provide some counterpoint. Not so for the happy Christian patriots on "Fox & Friends" who never saw a Crusade (whoops Jihad) that they didn't wrap themselves around!
Monday, "Fox & Friends" had two segments on the King hearing, In the first, Kilmeade was irritated. He said that the hearings "have a lot of people beside themselves." Doocy said that King "had a good point, if people are being radicalized in mosques in the United States, why not find out about it?" While footage of a NY City interfaith protest was shown, Doocy only alluded to the Muslims who attended. Carlson worked in the meme about how "nobody told the truth" about the Fort Hood shooting. She said she didn't understand "why there would be a backlash." She worked in the "persecuted Christian thing when she said that "a lot of Christians feel that they've been marginalized in the last couple of years." (And the network that promotes them vilifies Muslims). Kilmeade provided stats on "home grown terror." and "you don't think this is worthy of a spotlight." Doocy mentioned how one mosque didn't call the police about a jihadist. After showing video of Deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough, telling a group of Muslims that they are "part of the solution." Gretch suggest that King and McDonough were on the same page. Kilmeade shouted that if Eric Holder is worried, "don't ya think we can talk about it."
Later, King went through his standard talking points with the three amigos. He said his hearing will show "how dangerous" American Muslim radicalization is. He talked about his "witnesses" who will show that this is a "real threat." He said that he wasn't getting into "political correctness." Good Christian Steve Doocy asked if there was an organization behind the criticism of King and on cue, King said, CAIR. (When, in fact, the criticism is coming from diverse secular and religious groups.) Gretchen Carlson laughed when King said that the media quotes CAIR as if they're the Knights of Columbus B'nai Brith, or the Masons." Gretch had a big smile as King *misrepresented CAIR by saying that it was an unindicted co-conspirator in a major terrorist plot. He said the wants "to end" CAIR's position representing American Muslims. The agitprop chyron: "Digging into Extremism Muslim Leaders to Speak at Hearing Thursday." He said he wants Muslim leaders to "push aside CAIR." Agitprop chyron "Cracking Down on Radicals, NY Congressman to Tackle Homegrown Terrorism"
Former Miss America and extraordinary Christian, Gretchen Carlson just couldn't get it into her pretty, blonde head that "not everyone" is "behind" King cuz "people were after 9-11" but yet, "it's become political this time around." (Thank You Fox News). Gretch was very animated when she accused the Obama administration of trying to get out "in front" of King. Video of Denis McDonough, was shown in which he spoke against "demonization" of communities. When asked to respond King, said, that McDonough also noted that Al-Quaeda is recruiting Muslim Americans. He didn't mention that McDonough praised Muslims for helping to fight extremism. He then restated what Gretch had earlier said - that McDonough is saying what King is saying. Good Christian Brian Kilmeade said "but you take all the fire." King then spoke of his main witnesses, Zuhdi Jasser (no bias there) and the fathers of two young men who were radicalized. He didn't mention that the radicalization took place outside the US.
Comment: Brilliant propaganda. King's points set up and validated in the first segment and further validated, during King's appearance, in the second. In decrying the opposition to King, no mention was made of the diverse opposition to him. Rather, the onus of King's "persecution" was made out to be CAIR. Nice messaging. You certainly didn't hear commentary, from Rabbi Marc Schneier, president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and a vice president of the World Jewish Congress, that King's hearings are "un-American" and we know that the gang on "Fox & Friends" are true, American patriots.
*Re - "Unindicted co-conspirator - "A federal appeals court removed the label for all parties and sealed the list on October 20, 2010, ruling the designation was the result of "simply an untested allegation of the Government, made in anticipation of a possible evidentiary dispute that never came to pass."
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"Fox & Friends" Show More Love For Rep. Peter King
Wed, 09 Mar 2011 11:50:07 GMT
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