Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Head of the NYPD's Mounted Unit, Capt. Barry Gelbman, is ordered to appear before top brass to explain why he euthanized three retired police horses that allegedly had years left to live

Cop-horse boss is in hot saddle


Last Updated: 7:08 AM, April 13, 2010

Posted: 4:15 AM, April 13, 2010

The head of the NYPD's Mounted Unit yesterday was hauled before top brass to explain why he euthanized three retired police horses that evidently had years left to live.

Capt. Barry Gelbman had never even looked at the horses -- which suffered only from treatable leg ailments -- before he ordered them put to sleep, sources told the Post yesterday.

Their carcasses were then unceremoniously driven off on flatbed trucks, horrifying employees at the Pennsylvania stable where the horses had been kept and were to be moved from to another farm, the sources said.

Gelbman refused to comment yesterday.

Police officials have defended the captain's actions, saying a veterinarian at the scene determined that it would have been inhumane to move the animals.

Additional reporting by David Seifman

Head of the NYPD's Mounted Unit, Capt. Barry Gelbman, is ordered to appear before top brass to explain why he euthanized three retired police horses that allegedly had years left to live - NYPOST.com.

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