Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fw: Notice for Street Hail Livery Permit Holders

New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission

June 26, 2013

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #13-24
june 26, 2013

For Immediate Release

Important Notice for Street Hail Livery Permit Holders
Regarding the Schedule for Implementation of the LPEP Requirement

TLC Rules §82-41 and §82-42 require every Street Hail Livery vehicle to be equipped with an LPEP system, which includes a credit card reader, a GPS unit, and an information monitor.

As of today, no entity has been licensed by the TLC to be an LPEP Provider.  Accordingly, the TLC will allow Street Hail Livery permit holders to delay compliance with the LPEP requirement of these Rules, and to operate their Street Hail  Livery vehicles in the interim without an LPEP system.

Once we have issued sufficient LPEP Licenses, such that there is a fair and competitive market for LPEP systems, we will issue an updated Industry Notice alerting Street Hail Livery permit holders and allowing them 90 days from that date to install an LPEP system.  At that time, only TLC-licensed LPEP systems will be permitted.
NOTE:  Street Hail Livery permit holders will still be responsible for complying with all relevant laws, rules and regulations. This means that Street Hail Livery permit holders must install a meter, a roof light, and all other required equipment. It also means that permit holders must collect and remit the $0.50 MTA tax where applicable and ensure that all Street Hail Livery pick-ups occur only where permitted.

Aviso para la industria # 13-24                                                   26 de Junio, 2013
  Para publicación inmediata

Un aviso importante con respeto al horario
de implementación del requerido sistema de LPEP para los
Taxis de los Condados

Las reglas §82-41 y §82-42 de la TLC requieren que todos los Taxis de los Condados tengan un sistema de LPEP que incluye un lector para tarjetas de crédito, un GPS, y una pantalla de información para el chofer.

Desde hoy, ninguna compañía ha sido licenciada por la TLC para proveer un sistema de LPEP.  Por lo tanto, la TLC permitirá a los dueños de permisos para un Taxi de los Condados retrasar su conformidad con este requerimiento y operar su Taxi sin un sistema de LPEP.
Cuando hemos emitido suficientes licencias de LPEP, tal que hay un mercado justo y competitivo para los sistemas, mandaremos un nuevo Aviso para la Industria que notificara que un dueño de permiso tendrá 90 días de aquel Aviso para instalar un sistema de LPEP.  En aquel momento, solo se permitirán los sistemas de LPEP licenciados por la TLC.

UNA NOTA: Dueños de permisos para un Taxi de los Condados todavía serán responsables para la conformidad de todas las leyes y reglas relevantes. Esto significa que un dueño de permiso tiene que instalar un taxímetro, una luz de techo, y todos los demás equipos requerido. También significa que los dueños de permisos tienen que colectar y remitir el impuesto de $0.50 de la MTA donde aplicable y asegurarse que todos los viajes empiecen en lugares donde un Taxi de los Condados puede operar.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013



* New York City Council members Julissa Ferreras and Maria Del Carmen Arroyo are pushing for legislation aimed at improving the quality and transparency of the city's Office of Chief Medical Examiner. The office has been under scrutiny after an incident in which the body of an Irish man, Kevin Bell, 26, was picked up by the medical examiner's office van and placed next to a bag of recyclables. One of the proposed bills would amend the New York City charter and require an analysis of errors committed by the office, with the final report to be submitted to the mayor and City Council. The other bill would require guidelines and protocols to be posted online for the general public. At an oversight hearing on Monday, Arroyo, the chair of the Council Health Committee, raised the possibility of improving transparency voluntarily instead of being forced to through legislation. "Give me a reason not to pursue the legislation and help me inform the public better about the work that you do and that when you identify a problem that you're on top of it, that you're taking care of it," said Arroyo.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The state Senate passed a bill that would cap at 12 years the amount of time a lawmaker can serve in a leadership post, with Senate Republicans not denying that the bill was related to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's recent woes, the Daily News writes:
 Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his aides recorded a video poking fun at the administration's reputation for secrecy but have refused to release it under the Freedom of Information Law, The New York Times reports:
Former state Sen. Shirley Huntley claims that Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is continuing to investigate her, which she believes is payback for alleging that Schneiderman was corrupt to federal investigators, the Daily News reports:

New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn outlined an unprecedented move for her of advancing two bills addressing the NYPD's stop-and-frisk tactic by allowing them to bypass a Council committee through a parliamentary maneuver, the Journal writes:

* Cuomo released legislation allowing for tax-free development near college campuses, with a new wrinkle that would include New York City university campuses in each borough in areas with the highest poverty rates, Gannett Albany reports:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Labor Associate, Bill Lynch Associates

Labor Associate, Bill Lynch Associates

Salary- Commensurate with experience

Description- The Labor Associate assists the political and corporate teams with political and labor union campaigns, respectively. This includes event planning, community organizing and fieldwork. The position demands a strong interest in and knowledge of New York politics at the hyper-local level. Responsibilities include: following ongoing political news about NYC, assisting clients with fieldwork and events, outreach to media, identifying potential voting blocs and participating in strategy and corporate meetings.

Further info- To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to