Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fw: Notify NYC - Notification

Notification issued 10/30/12 at 11:20 AM.  Due to severe weather conditions, all New York City Public Schools will be closed tomorrow 10/31/12.  For more information: http://schools.nyc.gov/default.htm
The sender provided the following contact information.
   Sender's Name: Notify NYC
   Sender's Email: notifynyc@oem.nyc.gov
   Sender's Contact Phone: 212-639-9675

Monday, October 29, 2012


LAWMAKERS QUESTION BLOOMBERG'S GUN CONTROL STANCE: Mayor Michael Bloomberg's new super PAC will contribute to candidates that support gun control, but his past campaign contributions call into question his record of backing gun control advocates: http://bit.ly/PBmMML
 The Cuomo administration is developing a plan to allow New Yorkers to apply for various licenses online and for software developers to create a "New York app store", the Post's Fred Dicker writes: http://bit.ly/Q0Q4Va
New York City's Automated Personnel System, which replaces city workers' paper records for benefits and human resources functions, is expected to cost ten percent more than City Hall estimated, the Post writes: http://bit.ly/QPbUI9

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fw: Candidates with extremist views profiled


October 25, 2012

Candidates with extremist views profiled
The SPLC Task Force on Hate in the Public Sphere has released profiles of 15 political candidates -- including Democrats and Republicans -- whose beliefs are linked with hate groups and racial, ethnic, religious, anti-gay and antigovernment extremism, or who promote extremist propaganda.

Bizarre attack on SPLC's Mix It Up at Lunch Day
Religious-right extremists have launched a false attack against the SPLC's anti-bias school program saying that it is an attempt to indoctrinate young people into the "homosexual lifestyle." Watch Teaching Tolerance Director Maureen Costello on CNN discussing the allegation.

SPLC in court seeking millions in lost wages
SPLC lawyers are fighting in federal court to help domestic farmworkers and foreign guestworkers recover millions of dollars in wages they were never paid after performing backbreaking work. We're seeking to reverse a lower court's decision that took an estimated $100 million out of the pockets of farmworkers.

Morris Dees remembers George McGovern
Senator George McGovern was a longtime champion of the SPLC and a man of principle and compassion. Morris Dees remembers the Senator and their four-decade friendship.


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Fw: Hatewatch Headlines for October 25, 2012


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fw: Protect Your Identity When Using Mobile Devices


Smartphones bring great convenience into people's lives, but they also bring another opportunity for identity thieves to access personal data and use it to their advantage. A recent study found that smartphone users are approximately 33% more likely to become a victim of identity theft than non-users.

Find out how to protect your identity when using mobile devices.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

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The Latest from City & State:

Prosecution or Persecution? The Saga of Joe Bruno
by @nickpowellbkny
Joseph Bruno sat confidently in the grand neoclassical courtroom of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Foley Square, awaiting vindication... Read More

Holloway Tells Developers How To Build Smarter
by @morganpehme
New York City Deputy Mayor of Operations Cas Holloway emphasized government efficiency during the building process while speaking at the Intelligent Job Sites Conference in Manhattan on Friday... Read More

City & State's Rising Stars Glimmer At Night
by @aaronshortstory
Attorney and former Councilman Ken Fisher grabbed a drink and scanned the room of City & State's "Rising Stars" at Sprig on Monday night... Read More


Capitol Publishing


Assemblyman Keith Wright owes the city almost a quarter of a million dollars in fines for illegally hanging campaign posters on cityproperty, the Daily News's Ken Lovett reports: http://nydn.us/WD2jJh
 The city Department of Education lost track of several employees who quietly stopped reporting to work, but continued paying their salaries anyway, the Post learns: http://bit.ly/WCFEgf
Most educators spent less than an hour using the city's $80 million student-data system that gives them access to student performance data, according to a New York University study, the Wall Street Journal writes: http://on.wsj.com/WD03l4
Attorney Norman Siegel is challenging law that bans masks at protests, arguing that the costumes are integral to demonstrators' message of communication, the Times writes: http://nyti.ms/RcIncP
The News's Mike Lupica waxes on what would happen if Bloomberg were running for president alongside Obama and Romney: http://nydn.us/PLAQTR

Executive Director, Civilian Complaint Review Board

Salary: $150,000 - $180,000.00

Description: The Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) is charged with investigating and mediating complaints filed by members of the public against New York City police officers involving the use of excessive or unnecessary force, abuse of authority, discourtesy or offensive language. The Board seeks to hire an Executive Director to oversee the approximate $12 million budget and to implement strategies to improve the agency's performance. The Executive Director reports directly to the Board and is responsible for all that is involved in the day-to-day operation of the agency and its staff.

Further Info: For full job description visit www.nyc.gov/ccrb or send resume and cover letter to ccrbjobs@ccrb.nyc.gov with JVN #91312-054-2012 on resume and cover letter.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fw: Hatewatch Headlines for October 18, 2012


Hatewatch is a weekly summary of the latest news about hate and extremism compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Week of October 18, 2012

Hatewatch Blog

AFA's Bryan Fischer Takes Knockout Punch on CNN

Second Suspect Pleads Guilty in FEAR Militia Murder

Feds: Teen Militia Leader in Nevada Planned 'Mass Killings'

Hatewatch Headlines

GA Lesbians Attacked in Possible Hate Crime in Atlanta
The Advocate | Oct. 17, 2012

KY Hate Crime Trial: Victim Tells of Beating, Anti-Gay Slurs
Lexington Herald-Leader | Oct. 17, 2012

OH Racist Graffiti Scrawled at Ohio Coach's House
Sandusky Register | Oct. 16, 2012



Mayor Michael Bloomberg has set up a super PAC through which he will spend between $10 and $15 million of his own money to support centrist candidates from both parties who he believes will solve the country's problems, the New York Times reports: http://nyti.ms/OINaCQ
 An NYPD investigator testified that police can arrest someone for trespassing even if they never made it beyond the exterior lobby of an apartment building in a public housing complex, the Times reports: http://nyti.ms/VdfEZd
Councilman Dan Halloran, one of four Republicans on the City Council, has signed on to three of the four bills that comprise the Community Safety Act. Halloran--a former defense attorney and prosecutor, whose great-grandfather was an NYPD police chief--lends a measure of bipartisan credibility to the legislation, which has been vilified by law enforcement and elected officials as fiscally irresponsible and a liability for police officers in the field. The three bills that Halloran is supporting include Int. 799, which requires law enforcement officers to provide notice and proof of consent to search individuals, Int. 801, requiring officers to identify themselves to the public, and Int. 881, which would allow the city to set up an Inspector General's office to oversee the NYPD. Kevin Ryan, a spokesman for the councilman, said that Halloran, who is running for Congress, did not sign on to the bill that would prevent racial profiling because he wants to make sure it does not conflict with state laws. "The reason why he signed on to three of the four [bills] is because, while he's a Republican, he's independent thinking and he's a civil libertarian," said Ryan. "He's always been very pro-law enforcement, and was recently endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police organization in the country. He's been a prosecutor and a defense attorney, and his angle is to give police officers that are on the witness stand as much objective credibility as possible to make it easier for them to be successful."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012


Bronx Museum of the Arts: 40th Anniversary Celebration(Friday) To celebrate its anniversary, the museum will treat visitors to a free evening of music, dance performances, screenings and other activities, from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Among the performers will be the Valerie Capers Quartet; Arturo O'Farrill & the Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra; and Francis Akrofys and the Ghanaian Rhythmic Drummers. 1040 Grand Concourse, at 165th Street, Morrisania, the Bronx, (718) 681-6000, bronxmuseum.org.
'Caribbean Crossroads' (Friday and Saturday) This free symposium on the arts of the Caribbean and its Diaspora continues with lectures beginning at 2 p.m. On Friday and includes a reception at 7 p.m. Reservations are requested for all events at the Studio Museum at 144 West 125th Street, Harlem, and can be made through the Web site,caribbeancrossroads.org/symposium. On Saturday, events includes lectures and discussions, starting at 11 a.m., and a dance performance, at 8 p.m., at El Museo del Barrio, 1230 Fifth Avenue, at 104th Street, East Harlem.
Harlem Arts Festivals (through Dec. 19) The rich cultural history of Harlem is the focus of events taking place at various locations. "Harlem Is... Activism," a display on 30 individuals in business and the arts who have made an impact on life in Harlem will be on view through Nov. 23 at the Interchurch Center, 475 Riverside Drive, at 120th Street, Morningside Heights. Among the individuals in the show, which will also feature related events like walking tours and arts demonstrations, are the writer Albert Murray, the producer Vy Higginsen and the politician Percy Sutton (who died in 2009). The display, sponsored by Community Works, can be viewed weekdays from 9 a.m. To 5 p.m., (212) 459-1854, communityworksnyc.org. At City College, the photography display, "Harlem & the City: Over 100 Years of Special Moments" will be on view through Dec. 19. For more information:ccny.cuny.edu.
Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy: Jewish Harlem Walking Tour (Sunday) This three-hour tour will pass by locations that once figured prominently in the lives of the Jewish immigrants who lived there, including the former site of Temple Israel of Harlem. It will meet at 10:45 a.m. On the northeast corner of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard and 125th Street, (212) 374-4100,nycjewishtours.org; $18 in advance, $16 for students and 65+, with an additional charge of $2 on the day of tour.

Fw: New FactCheck Article: Veep Debate Violations

Veep Debate Violations

Ryan, Biden rough up the facts in their one and only meeting.

Posted on October 12, 2012


The Biden-Ryan debate was marked by some spirited claims that didn't always match the facts.

  • Ryan said Obama's proposal to let tax rates rise for high-income individuals would "tax about 53 percent of small-business income." Wrong. Ryan is counting giant hedge funds and thousands of other multimillion-dollar enterprises as "small" businesses.
  • Biden exaggerated when he said House Republicans cut funding for embassy security by $300 million. The amount approved for fiscal year 2012 was $264 million less than requested, and covers construction and maintenance, not just security.
  • Ryan was wrong when he said a rise in the jobless rate in Biden's hometown was "how it's going all around America." The rate nationally has sunk back to where it was when Obama took office. And in Ryan's hometown, it's more than 4 percentage points lower that it was at the start of Obama's term.
  • Biden seemed to question Ryan's assertion that administration officials called Syrian President Bashar Assad "a reformer" even when he was killing his own civilian countrymen. Ryan was right. Early in the bloody Syrian uprising Hillary Clinton called Assad a "different leader" who many in Congress believe is "a reformer."
  • Ryan claimed the Obama administration spent stimulus money on "electric cars in Finland." Not true. Although the cars have been assembled in Finland, the money went for work in the United States.
  • Biden quoted Romney as saying that he would not "move heaven and earth" to get Osama bin Laden. What Romney said was that he'd go after other terrorists as well.
  • Ryan misquoted a Medicare official as saying "one out of six hospitals and nursing homes are going to go out of business" as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Not quite. The official said that many could become "unprofitable," and the the situation could be monitored to head off bad outcomes.
  • Ryan claimed that the ACA contains "taxpayer funding" of abortion. In fact the law provides no direct funding of abortion except in cases of rape or incest or to save the mother's life. And it's a matter of interpretation whether subsidized private insurance would amount to indirect federal support for abortion.
  • Ryan was off base when he said of a cost-saving panel created by the Affordable Care Act, "not one of them even has to have medical training." Actually, the board must include physicians and other health care professionals among its members.

Ryan at one point ground out a collection of shopworn misstatements about the health care law that we've had to rebut time and again, claiming "20 million people … are projected to lose their health insurance" (not true), that premiums have gone up $3,000 (no, they haven't) and that 7.4 million seniors "are going to lose" Medicare Advantage plans (maybe, but they'd still be covered by traditional Medicare).

And both Biden and Ryan continued to twist the facts about Romney's tax plan. Biden again misrepresented the findings of the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, and Ryan repeated a misleading claim that "six studies have verified" that the plan is mathematically possible.


Note: This is a summary only. The full article with analysis, images and citations may be viewed on our website:


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Thursday, October 11, 2012


Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer is still exploring a run for mayor in 2013, his campaign insists, despite rumors he'll drop down to the comptroller race. "Nothing has changed," said Catherine Butler, a campaign spokeswoman. Crain's reported yesterday that Stringer is seriously considering running for comptroller, citing his low mayoral poll numbers and reports of strained relations with northern Manhattan officials after Stringer challenged one of Manhattan Democratic Chairman Keith Wright's judicial nominees. A source also told City & State that Stringer was looking to hire a speechwriter for his mayoral bid about a month ago, but Stringer backed off because he wasn't sure if he would run for mayor. Another source with knowledge of Stringer's plans disputed that account, noting that a speechwriter job was posted for Stringer's government office, not his campaign. Charlie King, the former state Democratic chairman and a Wright adviser, also sought to dispel doubts about Stringer's relationship with northern Manhattan officials. "He's got a solid relationship with the county chair, Keith Wright, and even went to Rev. [Al] Sharpton's birthday party last week," King said. "Keith Wright has a fine relationship with Scott and thinks very highly of him."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


A plainclothes officer called a Harlem teen a "f------- mutt" during a stop-and-frisk last year in an audio recording released the day before a New York City Council hearing on the policy, The Nation reports: http://bit.ly/RbqBae
Council Speaker Christine Quinn introduced a package of proposals to increase the penalties on public lewdness and force some sex offenders to get photographed by law enforcement once a year, the News reports: http://nydn.us/UQNNbu
The News is not impressed by a new test for primary school students to qualify for gifted and talented programs in New York City, saying testing 4-year-olds is "arbitrary and borderline absurd": http://nydn.us/tj0HSO

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fw: Hatewatch Headlines for October 4, 2012


Hatewatch is a weekly summary of the latest news about hate and extremism compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Week of October 4, 2012

Hatewatch Blog

'Race Realist' Speaks at Towson University Without Incident

A Burning Question: Is Heterosexuality Illegal in California?

Texas 'Sovereign' Charged in Murder-for-Hire Scheme Targeting Judge

Federal Judge Rules RuSA President a Flight Risk, Denies Bail

Hammerfest Racist Rock Festival Planned for Boise on Saturday

Hatewatch Headlines

US The New Nazis of Europe: Coming to America?
Huffington Post | Oct. 3, 2012

UT Inmate Pleads Guilty to Killing Utah Prison Guard
ABC | Oct. 3, 2012

ID Neo-Nazi Group Expected In Boise Area This Weekend
KBSX | Oct. 2, 2012


Thursday, October 4, 2012


 A controversial proposal to re-draw New York City Council district lines could violate the city charter and split African-American and Latino communities, critics say. Community Voices Heard--an organization that advocates for low-income New Yorkers--said in a statement that the proposed redistricting map would create smaller Council districts in the Bronx and Queens in favor of larger ones in Manhattan and possibly disenfranchise some voting blocs, such as East Harlem. Under the proposal, East Harlem would be divided roughly in half, with part of it falling in Council District 8, and part in Council District 9. "When you look at communities of interest and keeping the Latino vote together and the African-American vote together, it seems like the Latino vote here, while on paper would hit the fifty percent plus-one mark that meets the Department of Justice standards, would break up the community in East Harlem," the organization said in a statement. Hearings will be held all month, allowing the public to comment on the proposed changes, followed by an up-or-down vote by the City Council in November. If approved, the maps will first be used in the 2013 citywide elections, when the majority of the Council's seats will be up for grabs because of term limits.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fw: Notify NYC - Silver Alert

Silver Alert issued 10/2/12 at 12:45 PM. The NYPD has issued a Silver Alert for Lourdes Duchatelier, female, black, 85 years old.  She is described to be 5'6", weighing 110 lbs. She was last seen at 215 West 101st Street on 9/29/12.  She has black hair and brown eyes and was last seen wearing gray pants with a red blouse a grey sweater and black sandals.  She suffers from Alzheimer's. Call 9-1-1 if seen. Please find a photo attached.
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The sender provided the following contact information.
   Sender's Name: Notify NYC
   Sender's Email: notifynyc@oem.nyc.gov
   Sender's Contact Phone: 2126399675

Pumpkin Picking

Pumpkin Picking

October brings autumn into full swing, and who doesn't love a fall walk in the woods or a stroll through an apple orchard to enjoy the season's bounty?
We're noticing pumpkins brightening up farm stands across much of the country. For many, the harvest came early. Here are some tips for pumpkin picking:
• Do not pick pumpkins off the vine because they have reached your desired size. Wait until they mature. (If you want small pumpkins, buy a small variety.)
• Cut fruit off the vine; do not tear. Be sure not to cut too close to the pumpkin and to leave a liberal amount of stem.
• Before storing, pumpkins should be cured in the sun for about a week to toughen the skin.
• Early harvest? No worries. If you store in a cool, dry, dark place between 50 and 55 degrees, the pumpkins should last about 6 months.
• They are best stored sitting on a board or cardboard or straw (not a cement floor) about 2 inches apart (not stacked or touching).
• One of our readers shared this tip: Wash a picked pumpkin in a very mild chlorine solution (1 cup of chlorine to 1 gallon of water. This gets rid of bacteria that cause rot. Then thoroughly dry.
See our pumpkin page for more harvest tips—and great reader Q&As.

If you're going to a pumpkin patch, remember to buy pumpkins with stems attached; they will keep better.

Every pumpkin is known by its stem. –proverb


More than 150 elementary and middle schools posted mediocre efforts on their annual progress reports for the third straight year, which triggers the city to scrutinize them, the New York Times writes: http://nyti.ms/OAF14s

* Former City Comptroller Bill Thompson lost his appeal to void $594,375 in fines for illegally attaching campaign posters to city property during his unsuccessful bid for mayor in 2009, the Wall Street Journal reports: http://on.wsj.com/PqqVwZ

* A federal judge ruled that the New York Police Department illegally arrested scores of demonstrators during the 2004 Republican National Convention but upheld how the city handled aspects of the arrests, the Times reports: http://nyti.ms/PJI0DH

 New York firefighters criticized a judge's plan to award retroactive seniority to applicants who weren't hired due to discrimination and argued that "experience counts" at a federal court hearing yesterday, the Post reports: http://bit.ly/UD9Tyb

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fw: American Express Will Refund Some Consumers Because of Illegal Practices


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered American Express to pay $85 million to consumers because of illegal practices. American Express will contact you if you're owed money.

Learn more about the refund and the company's violations.




