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Friday, December 28, 2012
Fw: ALERT! Tell Oxygen TV To BAN Black Minstrel Shows!!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tax records show that labor costs at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center Foundation rose 58 percent in 2011 and the organization's expenses tripled to $35.6 million as revenues fell, The Wall Street Journal writes: http://on.wsj.com/V6lsiD New York City officials say that 12 MTA-subsidized billboards next to highways in Queens and the Bronx violate zoning regulations, while the transportation authority is challenging the Buildings Department on the restrictions in court, the Times reports: http://nyti.ms/UuVOqx A state Supreme Court justice dismissed a lawsuit brought by the New York Retired Public Employees Association challenging a state decision to impose health care cost increases on retired workers negotiated by public employee unions, the Times-Union reports: http://bit.ly/V6oEKW The Journal News posted an interactive map of registered handgun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties using publicly available data, eliciting angry comments from some readers: http://lohud.us/Tqhu54 New York City has had only 414 murders so far this year and is on pace for a record low, though officials disagree on whether the NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy is behind the decline, the Daily News writes: http://nydn.us/Tqj86L HEARD AROUND TOWN: * In his "What You Should Know" column yesterday, the email blast authored by state Sen. Rubén Díaz, Sr., the Bronx senator ticked off his top ten wishes for the New Year, a list that jabs at everyone from the Senate Independent Democratic Conference to Gov. Andrew Cuomo. But Díaz directed his most inflammatory statement at Sen. Malcolm Smith, who recently defected from the Democratic conference to join the IDC, writing that he wishes, "For Senator Malcolm Smith, to find another minority to join him in order for him not to be the only Uncle Tom in the house." When asked about his comments, Díaz said that he is tired of people using black and Hispanic pain for their own benefit, and suggested that Smith is being exploited by the IDC and Senate Republicans simply to have a minority face in their leadership coalition. "I know the game, I know how they play. [The Senate leadership] need[s] to show that they care [about minority issues] and for that they get one or two [minorities]," Díaz said. "They give a little piece of bone to Malcolm, and they say 'we have the minority we love'." Smith did not respond to a request for comment. * | ||
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Fw: Notify NYC - Notification
Notification issued 12/26/12 at 4:00 PM. NYPD has issued a Missing Senior Notification for the disappearance of Lonnie Jackson, male, black, 78 years old, 6'2", 275 lbs., with gray hair and brown eyes, from Columbia St and Delancey St in Manhattan. Mr. Jackson was last seen yesterday, 12/25/12 near 7th Ave and West 78th St, Manhattan, wearing a brown hat, brown dress suit, brown shoes and in possession of a wooden cane. Please find a photo attached. If you see Mr. Jackson, please call 9-1-1. The sender included the following attachment: The sender provided the following contact information. Sender's Name: Notify NYC Sender's Email: notifynyc@oem.nyc.gov Sender's Contact Phone: 212-639-9675 | ||
Sunday, December 23, 2012
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Harlem build fund is wasting New York Post In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, UMEZ doled out $9.9 million in grants to groups including the Harlem Arts Alliance, the Hispanic Federation, the Museum of African Art and the National Jazz Museum, according to its latest tax filings. The group ... Harlem Gospel Choir to perform in Hong Kong this week South China Morning Post Hong Kong is a long way from the churches of Harlem, but a popular gospel choir from the African-American neighbourhood in New York will make its first visit to Hong Kong since the troupe formed 26 years ago. About 15 singers from the Harlem Gospel ... | |||
Fw: Notify NYC - Alert
Alert issued 12/22/12 at 5:30 PM. New York State has issued a Missing Child Alert for a 10 year old black male, Reginald Matthews. He was last seen at P.S. 217 in Queens. He has black hair with corn-rows and a mole behind his right ear, 5'01" tall and 150 lbs. Reginald was last wearing a red polo shirt, blue jeans, neon green Adidas sneakers, a black jacket, and a blue winter hat. He wears black and green glasses. Please find a photo attached. If you have any information, please dial 9-1-1. The sender included the following attachment: The sender provided the following contact information. Sender's Name: Notify NYC Sender's Email: notifynyc@oem.nyc.gov Sender's Contact Phone: 212-639-9675 | ||
Friday, December 21, 2012
Fw: New FactCheck Article: Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts
December 20, 2012 SummaryThe mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., has reignited a national debate on gun control. As elected leaders begin the dialogue, some facts are clear -- there has been a massive increase in gun sales. Some things are not so clear -- such as whether there is causation between more guns and more violent crimes. And some are contrary to the general impression -- for example, the rate of gun murders is down, not up. *Federal data also show violent crimes committed with guns -- including murders, aggravated assaults and robberies -- have declined for three straight years.
Note: This is a summary only. The full article with analysis, images and citations may be viewed on our website: http://factcheck.org/2012/12/gun-rhetoric-vs-gun-facts/ | ||
Fw: Notify NYC - Silver Alert
Silver Alert issued 12/21/12 at 3:50 AM. NYPD has issued a Silver Alert for the disappearance of Charlie Robertson, male, black, age 78. Mr. Robertson was last seen in the area of East 108th Street and 2nd Avenue on 11/30/12 in the borough of Manhattan. Mr. Robertson is described as being 5'6" tall, 190 lbs., with grey hair and brown eyes. Mr. Robertson suffers from dementia. Please find a photo attached. If you see Ms. Robertson, please call 9-1-1. The sender included the following attachment: The sender provided the following contact information. Sender's Name: Notify NYC Sender's Email: notifynyc@oem.nyc.gov Sender's Contact Phone: 2126399675 | ||
Thursday, December 20, 2012
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NYC SUBSIDIES FOR CITY POINT DON'T ADD UP: Acadia Realty Trust is building City Point in downtown Brooklyn on city-owned land with more than $20 million in public subsidies. But Acadia refuses to ensure construction workers earn decent wages and benefits. Acadia Realty Trust + our tax dollars + substandard wages and benefits = financial disaster for our communities. You do the math. Sign our petition now; tell Acadia CEO Ken Bernstein that's enough http://www.citypointjobs.com In the News, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver calls on the state Legislature to pass legislation that he sponsored that would raise New York's minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.50 per hour: http://nydn.us/XO2xcL
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Fw: Licensee Compliance with Local Law 36 of 2012
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A cultural/political evening of celebration and solidarity
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday January 5, 2013 @ 6pm (Reception) 7pm (Cultural program and dance party) Venue to be announced... Dos Alas 2013 A cultural/political evening of celebration and solidarity presented by The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign and Casa de Las Americas! Dedicated to the FREEDOM OF THE CUBAN 5 AND THE PUERTO RICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS! Join us as we celebrate the 54th anniversary of the Cuban revolution anniversary and the 70th Birthday of Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera! Music by DJ Carlito and DJ Che The BEST in all kinds of Latin Music, Hip Hop & more! Boleros by Abram Alberto Poetry by Bobby Gonzalez Rafael Landron www.ProLibertadWeb.com and www.Unacuba.org | ||
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Christmas Day and the Winter Solstice
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Christmas Day and the Winter SolsticeChristmas Day is a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the actual date of Christ's birth is unknown, it has been celebrated on December 25 since the 4th century. | ||||||
Monday, December 17, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Here's a video of Sharpton interviewing the Central Park 5 Bros. He also does a promo on a special he's doing on the case next week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntjt1McTZw8&feature=youtube_gdata_player Come to court & support the Central Park 5 suit to end 23 years of monstrous injustice Monday, Dec. 17 from 2:30 PM at 500 Pearl St., Fl. 18-D See <http://ow.ly/g3yNu > same as... sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/18109_10152311860530201_142951604_n.jpg Directions to 500 Pearl St. / Moynihan Federal Courthouse / Southern District Court: It's that modern skyscraper just northeast of Foley Sq., with entrances on Pearl St. just west of Park Row - or - on Worth St. btw Baxter & Mulberry; transit: J train (not M) to Chambers; #4, 5, 6 to Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall; R (not N) to City Hall (at Broadway & Warren); A, C to Chambers; N, Q to Canal (east exit stairs, through J platform, to Centre St.); #1, 2, 3 to Chambers; E to WTC; PATH to WTC; M22 bus via Madison St., East Broadway, Worth & Chambers; M9 via Essex St., East Broadway & Park Row; buses via 3rd Av./Bowery or via Broadway or via 2nd Av. & Allen St.; map: http://ow.ly/5or1N bus map http://ow.ly/6SK4u = = = = = = = = = Please e-mail any NYC left event announcements to thousands at: No subscription needed. Where possible, please no file attachments. Send using TO: (not BCC:). Announcements of any in-person events that are primarily about struggle for progressive or revolutionary social change will be approved for distribution promptly. Read more event announcements at: Please. We urgently need some sort of sustainable, collectively run system for communicating event announcements between NYC left factions and groups with at least a bit of thoroughness. Help figure out how to do that. ***TO UNSUBSCRIBE from NYPROTEST listserv*** click & send any msg to: or visit: -- Vicente "Panama' Alba panama.alba@gmail.com Tel # 917 626 5847 "Lets Be Realistic Lets Do The Impossible" Ernesto "Che" Guevara ------------------- DREAD TIMES - Dedicated to the free flow of information - http://www.dreadtimes.com | ||
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Fw: Hatewatch Headlines for December 13, 2012
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Fw: [New post] University of Minnesota blackface video
Subject: [New post] University of Minnesota blackface video
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Fw: [TheBlackList] Black Agenda Report Forum Post Election Analysis Dec 14th 6 to 9 PM Riverside
BAR invites all truth seekers and tellers in this age of Obama to join us for a 2012 Post Presidential Election Analysis Forum: Domestic & Global Impact: Will "Things Fall Apart?" Friday, December 14, 2012 at The Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive 6 PM to 9 PM in Room 10T (Enter at Claremont Avenue) * A light supper will be served. Suggested donation of $10 to help defray cost. Please RSVP to this email: harlemfightbackagainstwar@gmail.com Panelists will include Glen Ford, BAR Executive Editor; Margaret Kimberley, Senior Columnist ("Freedom Rider"); Dr. Anthony Montiero, Temple University & frequent BAR contributor; Nellie Bailey, Black Agenda Radio; Invited: Dr. Cornel West, Attorney Michael Ratner, Dr. Bill Sales, Sexton Hall University & journalist Arun Gupta. "Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some convenient season." Dr. W. E. B. duBois After President Obama's re-election Obama rascals dug their heels in even deeper than four years ago. None more breathtaking than the shameless spectacle of Black leftists, Marxists, progessives and liberals rallying around super rich, super hawk war maiden Susan Rice whose role in the ongoing Congo genocide exposes Obama's recolonization agenda in Africa, more brutal than under George Bush! The US imperialist agenda for full spectrum dominance couldn't be grander than under the Obama Administration: From Africa to Haiti, to the Middle East, Latin America, to the Pacific Rim, there's not a spot on the globe they don't covet. On the domestic front Obama will soon finalize his grand bargain deal with racist right wing Republicans, the evil twin of evil Democrats. The corporate media's fictional "falling off the fiscal cliff" hysteria is meant to justify the devil sandwich soon to be served up to the 99%: supposed tax cuts for the super rich 1% in exchange for dismantling social programs and public services earned by the people. Left out of this fiscal cliff drama, the military industrial complex receiving half of discretionary spending. The Federal Reserve Bank, the Executive Branch and Congress will allow "too big to fail banks" to continue their mafia criminality unparallel in the history of banking despite 16 trillion dollars in bailouts. By far the greatest thief of public dollars in the history of the world. But sometimes things fall apart! Internal and external contradictions compounded with on the ground authentic uprisings by the people can waylay the best of plans. Join us for this truth telling analysis. BAR'S RESPONSIBILITY AS A MEDIA OUTLET TO BLACK AMERICA IS TO TELL THE TRUTH! THERE IS NEVER AN EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE ESPECIALLY DURING THIS AGE OF OBAMA. NO MORE FREE LUNCHES FOR US IMPERIALISM UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION OR ANY OTHER! THE MASSES AROUND THE WORLD ARE DEMANDING BUTTER NOT GUNS, LIBERATION NOT TYRANNY. LET US ALL HAVE THE COURGE TO SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER! PLEASE POST AND FORWARD TO OTHER TRUTH SEEKERS AND TELLERS!
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